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Why Adopt An Older Cat

When most people think about getting a new cat, they think about adopting an adorable kitten (or two), not an older cat. But there are plenty of reasons why you should at least consider adopting an adult or senior feline and not instantly fall for the appeal of a cute kitten.

Older Cats Are Cleaner

Kittens tend to be very energetic and play with not only toys but also inside their litter box. This means that they may kick litter out or run around their box like a racetrack while learning what the box is for, leaving the litter mess for you to clean up.

Adult cats are typically already used to their litter box and do not like to play in it after they have buried their waste. Sure, they may still track litter out of the box, but they are not as messy as their kitten counterparts.

Older cats also self-clean better than kittens. Kittens don't lick themselves as much as adult cats do, so you may find yourself cleaning your kitten with baby wipes and fine-toothed combs to get debris off of them. Older cats do not typically need your help with regular grooming, unless they have long hair, because they will naturally keep themselves clean with their abrasive tongues.

Kittens, especially ones that are switching foods or are just weaned, are more likely to develop diarrhea than older cats. Kittens have dietary changes within the first couple years of life that older cats do not typically experience, and these dietary changes can cause some loose stools.

Loose stools usually mean more clean-up on both your kitten's hind end and the litter box, as well as odors for you to manage. Medicating a kitten with diarrhea can also be quite messy.

Older Cats Aren't Teething

Kittens have baby teeth that need to fall out before their adult teeth come in. To aid in the removal of these baby teeth, kittens will chew and teethe on items much like a human child does.

Wires, shoe laces, furniture, and more are all at risk for being chewed on, so it should be expected that a kitten may cause some damage with their teeth. Older cats, on the other hand, already have adult teeth and are no longer teething. 

You Get What You're Looking at With an Older Cat

Older cats are finished growing when they are adopted, whereas kittens are still growing and changing. You may be surprised to get a long haired cat when you really wanted a short haired one, but if you adopt an older cat, you'll be sure to know what you're getting when it comes to their appearance.

Older Cats Cause Less Trouble

Just like human children, kittens tend to cause more trouble than adults. Kittens are curious and mischievous and seem to get into things they shouldn't, knock things off counter tops, eat things that aren't edible, and exhaust you. Older cats tend to sleep more and don't wear you out as much as a kitten does. Home and pet insurance claims and the cost of replacing broken or eaten household items are typically lessened with older cats as well.

Older Cats Are Better for Children

The smaller something is, the more easily it can be broken by a child and cats are no exception. Kittens are more fragile than an older cat.

Kittens can fall or be dropped, get stepped on accidentally, or squeezed too tightly in a hug, but older cats are hardier, less breakable by children, and know how to get out of the way to avoid being stepped on. Older cats will often be more adept to being petted, something children want to do with a cat, and kittens tend to be too wiggly to want to sit still and be stroked.

Older Cats Need You

If you still haven't been convinced that adopting an older cat is a good idea, then keep in mind that you may be their last chance for a home. Kittens are cute and get adopted very easily. Older cats are less likely to be adopted and run the risk of living out their lives in a shelter or foster home, or even being euthanized if they don't get a home. It usually isn't the fault of the adult cat for ending up without a family.

Sometimes elderly people need to live in nursing homes that don't allow cats, human ailments such as asthma or allergies make it difficult to care for a cat, or the previous owners simply couldn't afford to care for a pet. Older stray cats may have never had a home to begin with and are worth taking a chance on, too.

Rescue Story

Tuesday, 9/10/19, a lady walked into the GA Thrift Store with this beautiful cat in her arms. The cat was not phased by all the commotion he was causing with everyone petting and fawning over him. The lady wanted to know if GA could take the cat because she already had several pets and could not keep this stray. One of the thrift store volunteers asked if she could hold the cat, well it wasn’t long after that she made her mind up, the cat was going home with her. This volunteer had never had a cat for a pet and wasn’t sure what she or the cat needed. Between the cat shelter volunteers and the thrift store volunteers we pulled together almost everything need to become a cat owner. GA did a welfare check on the volunteer and her new cat this morning and reported that everything was going great. So glad to hear that but so sorry I did not snap a photo to add to this wonderful story

Jasper & Sam   Updated 08/2020

Meet Jasper and Sam. Both male cats arrived at the shelter under similar circumstances, abandoned by a previous owner.  Jasper was extremely depressed when he arrived and held in the shelters transition room for quite a while to get his health problem under control.  Sam was residing in room 5 at the shelter and tended to shy away from visitors.  Jasper was eventually moved out of the transition room into room 5 where he and Sam struck up a friendship.  Both cats were relocated to room 3 with other more adoptable cats but Sam and Jasper could still be found hanging out together.  It would be ideal if Jasper and Sam were adopted together. Both are considered middle aged males, black and white in color and in good health.  Stop by the shelter, 907 Hobson Ave in Hot Springs, AR to visit Sam & Jasper. 





SAM                            JASPER

Jasper was adopted July 2020.

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We need your help...

The shelter is full and we are still in the heart-breaking position of turning away cats and entire litters of kittens.  Kitten season has been brutal this year and it’s not ended yet.  We are still receiving calls inquiring if we will take kittens.

Because we sheltered so many kittens this season our financial situation at the current time is dire.  We need assistance maintaining the financial aspect of this shelter which is a huge part of our daily operation.

We thank all of our website and Facebook fans for your encouragement, wonderful comments and those of you that have adopted from Guardian Angels.  We hope to continue being an important part of our community in the future but without your donation our stability could become questionable.

Please remember that Guardian Angels Cat Rescue & Adoption Shelter is a no-kill, all volunteer shelter which receives no Federal, State or City funding.  We operate on donations, bequests and our Thrift Store revenue.

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